Yoga for a Healthy Back with Lakshmi

from Sri Lakshmi Devi

Yoga for a Healthy Back...Most back pain is caused by poor posture, faulty body mechanics, and weak back musculature, which are the result of a lifetime of habits formed as we go about our daily routine. Most of what we do is in front of us therefore we develop tightness in areas that pull us forward and weakness in areas that pull us backward. You will learn poses to strengthening the back extensors; that deep layer of back muscles that hold the body up against the force of gravity, while stretching certain areas to restore normal body alignment. This class is designed for people who would like to explore the therapeutic benefits of yoga and promote healing for back injuries or to prevent back pain and weakness. This open-level class will focus on specific poses and breathing techniques that will promote spinal stability, strength and flexibility while protecting any per-existing injuries. If you currently have a back injury and are under a health care providers care, please consult the instructor prior to participating in the class. (from )

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