Standing on the Word

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A service of Affirmation an Hope.  You are invited to join us for a time of worship and education.  We will celebrate together in worship and hear from keynote speaker Executive Director of Disciple Hertiage Fellowship.  We will have a time of break-out session with the following titles.
ELDERS:  A look at the Biblical job description and how an elder-led congregation is flourishing.  (Facilitators:  Pendleton Christian Church Elders)

WOMEN:  There is life after CWF!  (Facilitator:  Bev Harvey)

BEEN THERE, DONE THAT:  A panel of pastors/ leaders from churches who have already separated from the DoC. 

CAMPBELL/STONE HISTORY:  We are STILL Campbellites!  (Facilitator:  Doug Grant)

HOW DID WE GET HERE?  (It is about MORE than gay ordination):  How the DoC has strayed away from biblical principles and those of our founders.  (Facilitator:  Becky Gibbons)

 DISCIPLE HERITAGE FELLOWSHIP:  What it is & how it can benefit your church.  (Facilitator:  Doug Harvey) (from )

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