Pilates Inspired - Strengthen, Sculpt & Tone ...with Lakshmi

from Sri Lakshmi Devi

can strengthen the abdominals and promote core muscular energy. Pilates is a rhythmic practice of precise movements repeated five to 10 times for each exercise, with a simultaneous emphasis on flow of movement. By focusing on targeted areas that develop core strength, using ring resistance trainer and a ball for greater range of motion and core isolation... Pilates can help build a stable center, lengthen the side body and create low back strength. The emphasis is on using the breath to channel core energy into the center of the body and out to the limbs to increase awareness of alignment. Both Pilates and Yoga share similar postures, Pilates however, emphasizes the importance of utilizing the stabilizing muscles of the body while in movement to create a very safe and strong foundation to exert movement.

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